Monday 19 November 2012

Love & Romance .....

.... go together like peanut-butter & jelly, like horse & carriage!

Romance never goes away...we just stop being romantic. The secret to a long discovered by yours truly:

1: give each other a chance to fall in-love again.
2: always court your partner even after marriage...never stop
3: no leaving each other without some loving cos you just never know
4: never stop wooing her
5: always make time for each other
6: dance together even if you've got 2 left feet
7: share a kiss each day... just becos
8: go on dates
9: work hard on your relationship/marriage & romance, you work hard at everything else...why not your relationship
10: leave your pride at the door
11: never take each other & your relationship for granted
12: never let the sun set on your anger/quarrels/fights

The best way to save a relationship is: forgiveness, remembering the good times & why you feel in-love with each other in the first place, by giving love a chance to reign again in your lives.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Whatever happened to ....


Once, a long long time ago or like my brother-in-law would say: 'when boys were men and women were won by men who deserve them' hahahaaaa!

Anyway, a very long time ago....ladies do you remember, when a man....
  • swept you off your feet
  • walked up to you, pick you hand careful in theirs and plants a kiss on the back of your hand,
  • would open  and hold the door for you....even pull your seat out and tuck you in when you're sat,
  • sent you a bauquet of flowers at work or home just because,
  • serenede you with sweet love ballads
  • took you out at night on intimate, well planned dates
  • stood when you walk into the room or are about to seat down
  • takes your hand, looks you deep in the eye and asks you to dance for no reason other than to be close to you, cocooned in your sweet perfume
  • held your hand or put their arms around you while strolling
  • offered you their jacket on a cold night
  • walked you home, unlocks your door, kissedsyou goodnight - leaving you breatheless on your doorstep,
My question is....whatever happened to chivalry???