Friday 7 April 2017


Someone posted this story but it was incomplete.
Read, enjoy and write in the comment section below - your version of the rest of the story to share with our readers.   Looking forward to reading your versions.

I had this handsome guy called Dayo on Facebook that has been convincing me to visit him. Although I like him but I always tell him that I was very busy.
His profile pictures were always tempting and inviting.
And everything he posted on social media really turned me on in a way that I had never felt before.
So at last I decided to accept Dayo's invitation.
So I sent him my number and he called immediately to confirm if I was really sure I'd be coming.
We talked for a long time...
And later I discovered that he was living not far from my house.
I then said to myself, "this is a once in a lifetime opportunity".
So I promised to visit him the next Saturday.
That was the longest saturday I have ever waited for in my life.
Saturday finally came.
He called me around seven thirty am just to confirm if I was indeed coming to his house.
After I had assured him of my coming.
I started to search my wardrobe for my sexiest gown.
I was a bit nervous but excited, you know the excitement and fear you have when you are about to do something you have always planned.
Around six pm I knocked on his door.
The room was neatly arranged with sweet fragrance taking over the atmosphere, new bed sheets, hand sanitizer, bathing soaps for after..., expensive food and so on.
I was dressed very seductively in a tight body hugging silver dress and wore my expensive perfume.
With dashing red lipstick and a matching red bra peeping from the edges . . .I was more than happy that I'm finally meeting him.
