Wednesday 14 August 2013

Book - Online Dating Tips For Women

About the Author
Maurice D. Chuka lives in London with his beautiful wife and 2 adorable children.
He specializes in the dating, fitness and e-commerce genres. He currently has 4 books published which can be download on your kindle device.  He also runs a dating blog and 2 e-commerce stores.  One of his favourite quotes is 'If You THINK You Can, then You Can'. Feel free to get in touch with him after reading one of his books.

Book Description

Maurice D. Chuka

     Format: Kindle Edition (£0.77)        
     File Size: 137 KB
     Print Length: 54 pages                
     Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1477675833
     Publisher: Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing
     Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
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This online dating guide will reveal the secrets to a successful online dating experience and help you find and attract the right man.  It will help you discover:

* The number one thing that will greatly increase your chances of attracting your Mr. Right. It's so simple that many women miss it or disregard it.
* Advantages to online dating that make it accessible and fun regardless of your schedule, personality and status.
* The risks associated with online dating and how to avoid them. You won't hear about this on one of those glossy online dating TV ads.
* How to make your online dating profile sizzle.
* 31 safety precautions that will help you filter the good guys from the parasites.
* And much more.

No stone is left unturned as the good, bad and ugly side of online dating is exposed here. Stories, advice and tips are shared in this book that will equip you with the necessary information you need to increase your success with online dating and help you find the right man.
Grab your copy today!


By: Martin Asine
Rating: 5 stars
Common sense Advice for a New Medium
In ONLINE DATING TIPS FOR WOMEN, Maurice Chuka sets out a series of rules, advice tidbits, and self-searching for women who wish to meet men online. One can always point to horror stories of crazy men met and avoided online as well as to the much less publicized tales of satisfying and fruitful relationships. There is no way to guarantee that online dating will result in a woman's achieving her social and dating goals. What Mr. Chuka has done is to set reasonable parameters by which women may meet men. The advice, by the way, that he provides can just as well be applied to men who may fear meeting predatory women. What I like about his approach is that most of what a woman needs to know about online dating is succintly summarized in a few pages. True, none of his advice is novel or revelatory, but in the rush to go online, many women might indeed forget that not all men are honest or scam-free. Chuka's book provides a number or timely reminders about the need for a woman to pay more attention to her own goals and aspirations before she sets up a profile for all the world to see. Chuka did not feel it necessary to favour one dating website over another so perhaps in a future edition, he might want to include a chapter that enables women to distinguish the better dating sites from those of a lesser level. I recommend Chuka as a source to getting back in the dating pool.

By:  Grady Harp
Rating: 5 stars
This book is dedicated to every woman who has kissed one frog too many. One day your Prince will come. Don't settle for less.
This is the dedicatory page of Maurice D. Chuka's newest book - and if you have kept up with hs other ones (101 Good Questions to Ask on a Date, Fun Date Ideas) than you know that not only is this a light hearted fast read but that it also contains some very sound advice for those who participate in Online Dating - yes, even for men who are wondering what it is that women are seeking!
Chuka grants that many people have reservations about this mode n getting to know potential partners, but he is quick to state that online dating CAN be a viable method of ferreting out that perfect person. As a matter of fact our author RUNS an online dating and relationship blog so he is probably as expert a judge in what he has to discuss as anyone.
Though the book is created for women it can easily be transposed to men. Chuka poses the questions `Are you looking for friendships, Are you looking to go out on dates? Is your intention to find a life partner? Are you shy and like the idea of taking things slow? He then launches into a keen discussion of the benefits of Online Dating, the Disadvantages of Online Dating (scam artists, rejection, people who lie, money investment without guaranteed returns, etc.
What then follows is the helpful instruction on how to make your online profile as attractive and serviceable as possible (a VERY solid portion of this valuable publication) and then once a connection is made, what to =do next and the ups and downs of that first physical meeting. And probably most important, the author lists all the risks and dangers of online dating and what safety rules to follow. This is a solid little brief but smart guide to the treachery (and fun) of online dating. It is a very good read! Grady Harp, June 12

By:  Dr. Joseph S. Maresca
Rating: 5 stars
A Good Primer For Online Dating
Online Dating Tips for Women: Helping You Find Mr. Right by Maurice D. Choka is an excellent primer which shares the advantages and pitfalls of online dating relationships. To start, Chuka advises women to decide on the reason for joining the online dating service. The reason could be to seek friendships, dates or a life partner to mention just a few.
The advantages of joining an online dating service, according to the author, involve overcoming shyness, putting a profile out there 24/7 and seizing an opportunity to make great friendships. With an online dating service, the power to not respond is strictly in your hands. The disadvantages include scam artists who may demand money, as well as a bad match.
Chuka provides simple rules of the road for first time users of an online dating service.  Your profile is important, as well as presenting a smiling face on the internet. Be creative,
have features which stand out, dress well and be honest. Pictures of you should project energy and a positive outlook.
Chuka simulates good first date experiences. He advises a walk in the park, picnic or local cafe. Conversation should center on what is most valued in a relationship and common interests. Finally, the author advises not to leave together until you have had the opportunity to reflect on the experience more completely. Online daters should maintain separate email accounts devoted exclusively to online dating. Appointments should be set to meet during daylight, according to the author.
Online Dating Tips for Women is an excellent primer for women who may not be familiar with the online dating scene. A strength of the presentation is that the author discusses both the advantages and pitfalls. This book would be extremely helpful for women who have just moved into a new neighbourhood or a different part of the country. The advice will help immensely in making important social adjustments. The book is a mere 45 pages and the contents are practical and easy to understand.

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