Wednesday 14 August 2013

My Dairy Entry 3 - Eavesdropping


I got on the bus to go picj up my little boy from school. Decided I fancied sitting on the upper deck. There were five year 10 or year 11 girls from a secondary school near my area chatting and laughing.
Why they were on the bus at 2:30 pm when secondary schools around here close from 3:00 pm (besides it takes students about 5 minutes to start trinkling out of school much less be on the bus). Where they were that's another story. (you can check out ....for a twist on that)

Girl A:  He is so silly, he goes to me 'do you love me?'
Girl B:  What did you say?
Girl A:  I told him I love him, but he was like 'tell me you love me' and I was like 'I love you'
Girl C:  That is so silly.
Girl A:  He must 've been so shocked that I meant it, 'cos i do. I really love him'. Then he got off the phone.
Girl C:  That's so silly.
Girl B:  Why?
Girl A:  What'd silly?
Girl D:  I totally agree, it's silly.
Girl B:  How you gon' tell him you love him?
Girl A:  Cos I do, I really love him!
Girl E:  What do you know about love? I don't think at our age, love is real. he might make you feel a certain way when you are with him but that ain't love.

Girl A:  I don't care, I love him.
                                 ....then they launched into other conversations like:
Girl C:  You see that other boy, the other day..
Girl A:  What boy?
Girl C:  The one rapping at the back of the bus .....going like this (she shook her head feverishly for a few minutes)
Girl D:  The one next to that cute boy Sandra kept smiling at....
Girl C:  Yeah! He thinks he is so cool...
Girl B:  He's like Jay. Jay's like cute but then he is ugly
Girl C:  (Laughing hysterically) He can't be ugly and has to be one.
Girl B:  Well he is.....he is usually ugly but when he puts his PE clothes on - he is mad cute.
                               ........all laugh
Unfortunately, I had to get off the bus as I had reached my stop.

My question is....
Is Girl E right, are young children/young adults incapable of falling or being in-love?
Is love really unreal?

If that is the case,
what is this feeling of euphoria that envelopes you when you are around a certain person, what is this feeling of nostalgia that always seem to grab you when you're away from them and why does your heart always miss a beat and then immediately start to beat faster and faster when you remember something about or they 'd said - think - talk about or hear their voice and even worse when you hear you phone ring and think it was them?

I believe love is real and that like any grown up, young adults are capable of feeling intense love for another but I also believe that .......................the depth & strength of love we feel only comes with maturity, life experiences and how much we know, appreciate and accept about the person.

Ultimately, I believe that like fine wine,
                               love gets better with age and
                               falling in-love is intoxicating.
                                          Don't believe me...try it!

                                                                    © O. Okafor

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