Tuesday 8 July 2014

Benefits of submitting your creative work with us

Benefits of submitting your work to Bevy-Hive

These are some of the benefits of publishing on our blog and newsletter:
- change and enrich your career

- increases your exposure/visibility/profile as an artist or writer

- gain more publishing credits along with a solid reputation as a writer

-  helps improve your resume especially those who want to apply for jobs in the writing industry

- gain exposure to many agents who actively look for new clients within the pages of literary magazines

- our print publications enables  your text to be placed in the hands of your audience

- enables you promote/ market your work/book to your target audience

- enables you instantly direct potential customers and traffic to your content and site

- increases your opportunities to reach more subscribers as we deliver content across multiple platforms and devices
- helps you build fans of your work or gain more fans by exposing your work to a new audience

- means your work will be commented on by your target audience.  Learn what they like and dislike about your work, then use their feedback to help you revise and strengthen your work. (we encourage fair and constructive feedback)

- increases view of your work via our magazine distribution on a national and global scale

- increase the possibility your work can be found in Google search and forwarded into social media such as Facebook and Twitter hence giving your work a major reach into Google and into social media

- increases your opportunities to reach more readers as our blog and magazine are readable on smart devices – iPads, Tablets, Androids, Kindles which a huge amount of readers access or carry these days.

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