Tuesday 8 July 2014

Submit your creative work to our sites and magazines for publication

Here are features that can be accessed/submitted to our sites and magazines for publication:

Authors of short stories, plays, poems and comics can submit their work including a chapter of their upcoming book with the title. They can also submit a short piece in our “A day in the life of a children's book author or a young author” section, a snap author introduction or bio and writing tips.  We also accept book/short story/play/poem/comic reviews, comment on published books by fans or author and upcoming events. Readers are welcome to subscribe to our free digital magazine from whatever part of the world they may be and to write in to our “Dear Editor column” on any of the contents of our site and magazines.

Stories and Plays
Authors can submit stories, plays and chapters of their upcoming book of any in the following genre (Adventure, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Ghost, Historical, Mystery, Humorous and Comedy).

Poems on the following themes/subject matter (Moral and Philosophical; Comic, or Heroic stories; Adventure, Historical, Mystery).
Authors can submit lyric poetry e.g:
elegy-solemn meditations/ melancholy poem that laments its subject’s death but ends in consolation
dirge- shorter and less meditative song of lamentation and grief,  
ode-long lyric poem with a serious subject
epistle- a letter in verse, usually addressed to a person close to the writer
sonnet - a poem of 14 lines properly expressive of a single, complete thought, idea or sentiment 
ode- a formal, often ceremonious lyric poem that addresses and often celebrates a person, place, thing, or idea
free verse - poetry that does not require any rhyme scheme or meter, 
dramatic monologue- poem in which an imagined speaker addresses a silent listener, usually not the reader 
and occasion poetry- written to describe or comment on a specific event  

and/or narrative poetry e.g:
Epic- a long narrative poem in which a heroic protagonist engages in an action of great mythic or historical significance
Mock epic- a poem that plays with the conventions of the epic to comment on a topic satirically,
Limericks- often silly or whimsical that tells a short, humorous story and expresses all sorts of ideas 
Ballada song which tells a story

Artists can submit comics on any of the following subjects (Adventure, Sci Fi, Fantasy, Ghost, Historical, Mystery, Humorous and Comedy). Please do not submit any comics that may be damaging or offensive to others.

We accept artwork for book covers, illustrations and comics. There is no compensation other than promotion of the work and artist at this time. Please do not submit any artwork that you do not own the rights to. Accepted document types: jpg, gif, tiff, png

All stories, plays and poems submitted
Standard manuscript format: 12pt text, Times New Roman, double spaced, standard margins, two-spaces after ending punctuation.  No page breaks, text colours or right-justified text.  Submit graphics separately in the format mentioned below. Include title, your full name in the header and footer.
Please include a snap biography of about 200 words and a list of publishing credits if any (in 3rd person) and a two-sentence synopsis of your work in your cover letter.  You may also include one link (e.g. your professional website, blog or social media) to share with readers and an author photo if you wish.

Proprietor: Oby Grace Nneka OKAFOR

For everything including 
- inform us on article ideas you'd like to post
- request a media release
- or any other inquiries,
Email info@obygracepublishing.com or complete the Contact us box  

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