Tuesday 19 August 2014

10 things I do to write Shaa Wasmund

People often ask me “How do you write?! I’d love to write, but when I sit down, the screen just looks blank!” I feel your pain!   Now, I’m not going to lie, it’s not always easy to write, but these are the things I do to help with the creative process. These work for me whether I’m writing a book, a blog or a presentation, so even if you have no desire to become a New York Times Bestseller, you can still apply these tips to help the flow!

  1. Write early. From 5am until 7am. I love writing when the sun’s rising.   Something about the light and the energy. 
  2. Put all my ideas, notes and blogs in Evernote. Every idea I ever have, every great image, note, quote, or piece of research goes in there – now nothing can be lost. 
  3. Drink coffee. Probably too much, but the good stuff. 
  4. Write about subjects I care about, not what’s ‘current’ – unless the two combine. 
  5.  I ‘batch’ creating content. If I leave to the night before, it never happens. 
  6. Switch everything else off. No emails, no Facebook, no Twitter. That’s why writing at 5 am is good – not too many other people are up! 
  7. Use images, but I don’t use them gratuitously. 
  8. Subscribe to blogs and podcasts from people that inspire me. One idea sparks another. 
  9. Make sure the space around me is clutter free. Clear space, clear mind. 
  10. Think, Write, Edit, Polish … Repeat. 

Please share your top tips here! 


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