Monday 31 October 2016

Feeling Blessed

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Lying here under my warm soft blankie, my head nestled deep into my cool crisp pillow. ...listening to the quiet banter & laughter btw my little loves.... and the soft music coming from the distance leaves a little smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I shut my eyes & let myself be immensed in the complete calmness surrounding me. I feel truly blessed, happy and excited all at once. ....for reasons I don't know nor care to understand right now.

Am enjoying it so.... I let myself be absorbed by it all......then it hit me, how completely blessed I am right now & completely stupid I've been thinking that my source of happiness will come from having it all. I had missed the important marks - I am alive,  healthy, food to eat & roof over my head....all this & much more are God's doing in my life. I am suddenly overwhelmed by God's kindnesses, grace & love. What I have been blessed with is beyond me: security, peace, joy, love & most of all life. I smile with renewed resolve.

Now, am gonna get up & go immense myself in all the blessings that surround me.....and since am feeling generous, am also happy to share them with all whom I encounter....or cross my path!!! ......just don't get ready though hahahahahaha!

Author: OGN Okafor
Copyright: First Published on my facebook page on 6/10/2013 @ 10:38am

Journey Home

True Story

After a lovely weekend. ..I ended it with a crazy Monday and Tuesday. First the stupid storm that hit the south east left me enjoying the country side in two different buses for hours. I'd nvr seen so many sheep and wind turbines in my light green coloured river.

Finally, I made it to Ashford International. ...nobody on the darn train knew if it was going to St Pancras or somewhere else - it was too freezing cold outside the train so we all sat on the train which was waiting for minutes on end at the platform.  I couldn't be bothered either to go find out.

After logging a suitcase that had a mind of it's own plus a heavy backpack on my back in the freezing cold for hours - I was ready to follow the train wherever it was going rather than come off to check where it was going. Besides, this was the only train on the platform. It doesn't seem like any other was coming and it was toe curling - freezing cold. I guess everyone on board was feeling the same. By the way why are buses in the country so expensive. 

On getting home,  I spent the rest of Monday and the whole of Tuesday hugging my radiator, figuratively speaking, as it was very hot. Then the whole of Wednesday attacking my's Thursday, am looking forward to what today will be like. 
I can't stop sneezing, I think I caught cold!!!!

By OGN Okafor
Copyright (first edition publishef on 31/10/14  04:04am  FB)