Monday 31 October 2016

Feeling Blessed

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Lying here under my warm soft blankie, my head nestled deep into my cool crisp pillow. ...listening to the quiet banter & laughter btw my little loves.... and the soft music coming from the distance leaves a little smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I shut my eyes & let myself be immensed in the complete calmness surrounding me. I feel truly blessed, happy and excited all at once. ....for reasons I don't know nor care to understand right now.

Am enjoying it so.... I let myself be absorbed by it all......then it hit me, how completely blessed I am right now & completely stupid I've been thinking that my source of happiness will come from having it all. I had missed the important marks - I am alive,  healthy, food to eat & roof over my head....all this & much more are God's doing in my life. I am suddenly overwhelmed by God's kindnesses, grace & love. What I have been blessed with is beyond me: security, peace, joy, love & most of all life. I smile with renewed resolve.

Now, am gonna get up & go immense myself in all the blessings that surround me.....and since am feeling generous, am also happy to share them with all whom I encounter....or cross my path!!! ......just don't get ready though hahahahahaha!

Author: OGN Okafor
Copyright: First Published on my facebook page on 6/10/2013 @ 10:38am

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