Friday 23 August 2013

Success - Define It For Yourself

Feature Article

Lipstick Mouth believes that "You either are tearing people down or help building them up and celebrating their successes". That is why today, Lipstick Mouth recognises and shines its limelight on these fabulously amazing female entrepreneurs who prove you can do it when you set your mind to it.

Saying 'I Want To Start A Business' is easier said than done. It takes a true entrepreneurial spirit to push through an idea, monetise it and make it a real success. Whether you want to start a Home Business, an Online Business, an Internationally recognised all starts from an idea. But the real test is in digging down, coming up with the strength to not only start but to stay at it, unwaveringly focused against all odds.  Business is not for the faint hearted and it's not for the get-rich-quick person.  It's a lot of hard-work and sometimes, it takes quite some time to break even or/and start seeing any significant profit. So it's absolutely important to go into a line of business that you truly enjoy as you will be spending a huge amount of your time with it...fully absorbed, it's also very important that your are frugal with your spending.

Constant inspiration, contacts are also very important in today's business and that is why networking should be at the top of your list. No man is an island and if you believe so, then you are in for a rude awakening.
Networking enables you to introduce your business, meet established and new businesses, mentor or be mentored, as well as share your experiences and build suitable business contacts. Below are examples of networks specifically for business women.

Networks: WWIB, Women Unlimited, High flying Divas, Fabulous Women, WIB

That said, I would like to introduce you to some of the business women that Lipstick Mouth had the pleasure of meeting.  Click on feature under the images to read more about the business and the woman behind its creation.

                        Gifty Aya Cruz                       Catherine Davis                     Hortence (Artist)
                      My Decent Closet 
                                                                 (UK Brands & Styles) 
                            Feature                                    Feature                           Feature

                        Martina Agho                      Ann Ntephe                               Justina Ilochi
   Project Manager: Citi Consultancy          Director & Solicitor                             Director
              Director: Maca Fashion           The Bridges Legal Services            GCA International Ltd

                   Bernadette Fontaine              Ms Silungile Mokoena                     Lucy Lee   
     Founder & Creative Designer             Founder &  Director        Founder and Creative Fashion Designer                 Fontaine cakes                     (Sluu by Sluvin Designs)              House of Loulee 
    Facebook Email                         (WebsiteTwitter,Youtube)
                                                                  Feature                                      Feature

                      Dionne Gooding                      Meg Alabi                              Tina Ugo
     Founder and Creative Designer        Creative Designer              Creative Director
              (Facebook  Shop)          
               Feature                                             Feature                                Feature

                  Stella-Rita Asogwa                 Anaisa  Monteiro                  Nneamaka Nwosisi
                  Creative Director    Designer/Illustrator/Craft Maker      Creative Director
            Facebook: Anaisarts     
        Email:  Email:    Email: 
                Feature                                   Feature                                       Feature

                Bola Obileye                                     Shana Edwards              Abena Safoa Amoako-Gyimah
                Designer                                 Creative Designer                CEO/ Creative Director
                           Facebook: sa4adesigns
                  Feature                                       Feature                                        Feature

Congratulations ladies and thank you for letting us feature you in our blog. We wish you all the success you desire.

Looking for Love, Relationship...

Then read our editor's picks of the week
"Steve Harvey, the host of his own syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show, can't count the number of impressive women he's met over the years, yet when it comes to relationships, they can't figure out what makes men tick. Why? According to Steve, it's because they're asking other women for advice when no one but another man can tell them how to find and keep a man. In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve lets women inside the mindset of a man and sheds lights on must-know advice and questions such as how to spot a mama's boy and when to introduce the kids."

Unleash Your Irresistibility!
"Make Every Man Want You gives every woman the tools she needs to unlock her inner magnet."
--Kelly Ripa

Let's make one thing clear: this book is like no other dating book you've read. There are no rules, no list of things to do to land a husband in thirty days, and no reason to blame yourself if “he's just not that into you.” Please. Throw those books away.

Instead, let's focus on you--and how you can make yourself more appealing to others in almost every situation--whether you have a man or not. Think of it as a crash course in desirability, a life-changing lesson in loving yourself inside and out. Once you embrace your unique qualities and dissolve your bad relationship habits, you'll be amazed to find how irresistible you are to others! This girl-friendly guide reveals:
  • Five Truths Every Irresistible Woman Needs to Know: Live in the moment, Men do not want to be changed or improved
  • Seven Habits of Highly Unattractive Women:Boring in bed, Being needy
  • Eight Secrets of Attracting the Right Man for You: Get rid of your "perfect man" checklist, Have your own life

Do you feel like you are too nice?
Sherry Argov's Why Men Love Bitches delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself. With saucy detail on every page, this no-nonsense guide reveals why a strong woman is much more desirable than a "yes woman" who routinely sacrifices herself. The author provides compelling answers to the tough questions women often ask:
  • Why are men so romantic in the beginning and why do they change?
  • Why do men take nice girls for granted?
  • Why does a man respect a woman when she stands up for herself?
Full of advice, hilarious real-life relationship scenarios, "she says/he thinks" tables, and the author's unique "Attraction Principles," Why Men Love Bitches gives you bottom-line answers. It helps you know who you are, stand your ground, and relate to men on a whole new level. Once you've discovered the feisty attitude men find so magnetic, you'll not only increase the romantic chemistry—you'll gain your man's love and respect with far less effort.

Why Men Marry Bitches is a sharp-witted manifesto that shows women how to transform a casual relationship into a committed one. Brings something altogether new to the relationship-advice shelves, and explains why being extra nice doesn't necessarily mean he'll be more devoted. The guide shares real-life 'no holds barred' interviews with men who answer to questions such as: Do men deliberately push women's motional buttons? Whether you are single, married, recently separated, or just fed up, this is the must-have guide that will show you how to exude confidence, win his heart, and get the love and respect you deserve.

A compulsive, informative and eye-opening read for women who want to know which men are most likely to commit to a relationship, what attributes in a partner they’re looking for or whether their current partner will ever propose. Based on 11 years of extensive market research

An utterly compelling read, this book contains illuminating facts and tips from the author's market research team of 300 experienced researchers who interviewed focus groups and engaged couples over a period of 11 years. Over 2,500 women and their finances, along with over 1000 single people, were interviewed. When their answers to questions were analysed, patterns arose that led to the successful strategies offered in this book.

• How to increase your chances of marrying by up to 60%
• Ten warning signals that a man is never going to marry
• How to trigger a proposal
• The advantages and dangers of dating divorced or widowed men
• How to deal with a partner’s children

Findings included:
• After 18 months of a relationship, the chances that a man will propose drop by 50%
• Women who are slender have an easier time meeting men and better odds of getting married
• To be on the safe side, a woman should seriously start looking for a husband in her late 20s.
• The majority of male graduates between 28 and 33 are in their high commitment years and likely to propose
• After 38, the chances men will ever marry drop dramatically. At 42 or 43 many men become confirmed bachelors
• Single men in their late thirties or forties with divorced parents may believe in living together, because in their minds, once people marry, the romance ends
• Men rate sexual or social virtue when choosing a bride: someone they could take home to Mother or introduce to their boss
• For many, their future spouse is a status symbol; meeting their ideas of refinement, elegance and decency

For more of our Editor's Lists, visit Lipstick Mouth regularly
Click this link "LIPSTICK MOUTH" to visit page now

Wednesday 14 August 2013

My Dairy Entry 3 - Eavesdropping


I got on the bus to go picj up my little boy from school. Decided I fancied sitting on the upper deck. There were five year 10 or year 11 girls from a secondary school near my area chatting and laughing.
Why they were on the bus at 2:30 pm when secondary schools around here close from 3:00 pm (besides it takes students about 5 minutes to start trinkling out of school much less be on the bus). Where they were that's another story. (you can check out ....for a twist on that)

Girl A:  He is so silly, he goes to me 'do you love me?'
Girl B:  What did you say?
Girl A:  I told him I love him, but he was like 'tell me you love me' and I was like 'I love you'
Girl C:  That is so silly.
Girl A:  He must 've been so shocked that I meant it, 'cos i do. I really love him'. Then he got off the phone.
Girl C:  That's so silly.
Girl B:  Why?
Girl A:  What'd silly?
Girl D:  I totally agree, it's silly.
Girl B:  How you gon' tell him you love him?
Girl A:  Cos I do, I really love him!
Girl E:  What do you know about love? I don't think at our age, love is real. he might make you feel a certain way when you are with him but that ain't love.

Girl A:  I don't care, I love him.
                                 ....then they launched into other conversations like:
Girl C:  You see that other boy, the other day..
Girl A:  What boy?
Girl C:  The one rapping at the back of the bus .....going like this (she shook her head feverishly for a few minutes)
Girl D:  The one next to that cute boy Sandra kept smiling at....
Girl C:  Yeah! He thinks he is so cool...
Girl B:  He's like Jay. Jay's like cute but then he is ugly
Girl C:  (Laughing hysterically) He can't be ugly and has to be one.
Girl B:  Well he is.....he is usually ugly but when he puts his PE clothes on - he is mad cute.
                               ........all laugh
Unfortunately, I had to get off the bus as I had reached my stop.

My question is....
Is Girl E right, are young children/young adults incapable of falling or being in-love?
Is love really unreal?

If that is the case,
what is this feeling of euphoria that envelopes you when you are around a certain person, what is this feeling of nostalgia that always seem to grab you when you're away from them and why does your heart always miss a beat and then immediately start to beat faster and faster when you remember something about or they 'd said - think - talk about or hear their voice and even worse when you hear you phone ring and think it was them?

I believe love is real and that like any grown up, young adults are capable of feeling intense love for another but I also believe that .......................the depth & strength of love we feel only comes with maturity, life experiences and how much we know, appreciate and accept about the person.

Ultimately, I believe that like fine wine,
                               love gets better with age and
                               falling in-love is intoxicating.
                                          Don't believe me...try it!

                                                                    © O. Okafor

My Diary Entry 2 - We are not Obsolete

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We are not obsolete, take the benefit of our age and experience.... 

They say 'wisdom comes with age' (and that's no joke). Granted a lot of us checked our wisdom out the door a long time ago but still......majority of us still have something going on upstairs.  

Saw a friend this morning and we got chatting. She was rushing to pick up her son so they can go to his university this morning. She had to see her son's Head of Faculty/ Faculty Adviser about changing her son's degree from Business Management to Business Marketing.
Funny thing is that she'd originally suggested he take up Marketing judging from where his interest lay but he wound't hear of it.
One year later, he can now see his mum's point of view and wants to change to Marketing. Mum's suggesting Digital Marketing as we are now in a digital age but wait for it.... he says  NO! He wants to study Business Marketing. What is a mum to do....but to support his decision!!
I ran into another parent and she told me she was sorting secondary school application for her son now in year 6. Her son has ideas about which secondary schools in the borough he wants to attend while his mum wants other schools. 

His decision was based on the fact that he knew a few kids from his primary who were attending his choice of school so he won't be lonely but mum wants a school with proven academic excellence. 
While I understand where her son is coming from, I am with mum on this....a lot of the schools in London are not what it used to be (largely because of government influences).
It brought me back to two years ago when my older son, now in year eight was about to enter secondary school. I took him to Alexandra Park School and Latymers School open days - absolutely impressed with the schools!

          According to Ofsted:
                     1. Alexandra Park - is an outstanding school, students make rapid progress from their starting points, attainment is high and rising and a large number of students progress to the most competitive courses and universities.
                   2. The Latymer School - is excellent, with many outstanding features and provides excellent

value for money. Standards are very high compared with national averages in national tests for Year 9 pupils and in GCSE and A Level results. 

Unfortunately, my son didn't want to go to any of these school, he wanted to go to a completely new school with no academic records  or any records for that matter at the time - 'apart from that it was a new school with an amazing building, new facilities, new head teacher and staff '.
Being a mother hen - wanting the best for her chicks - I was adamant that he would go to one of these school. But, he came back to me with a well thought out, very constructive points as to why he should go to his choice of school. I couldn't ague any of his point...he was simply amazing.

That was when it dawned on me that what I have been teaching my kids - they have actually been absorbing.....there comes a day in your comfortable life when your kids will use your teaching to make you let them do what they want to do, and for me, that day had come. My son cleverly and logically thwarted every point I made for...the schools of my choice. I was simply proud and I immediately let him know too!

In the end, I agreed he could go to his chosen school, on one condition: 'He would work harder than he had ever done to achieve the same results had he attended any of my choice of schools' ............and because:

1. his year six teacher reminded me that kids do very well when they are happy at school and with excellent support at home.
2. I found out that one of the heads of department in the new school was my colleague when I was teaching in a secondary school in Enfield a few years back. I remember her as an excellent - talented - driven teacher with a very high level of subject knowledge and enthusiasm who makes her every lesson challenging and enjoyable for the kids; and I felt that if the teachers in his new school were half as good as her, then my son would be alright.
3.  the school had modern facilities etc which makes for an excellent spring board for children's academic success
4. and finally, as the school is completely new, it would be working very hard to prove itself among the other giants.
       So far, my son has continuously been making excellent academic and personal progress within and largely above national level and has been receiving a very broad education through an outstanding range of extracurricular activities and trips; and this is contributing to the great success in his academic performance and overall well being.
I am very proud of him and am also VERY PROUD OF ME - AS A MOTHER! So you see, we are not obsolete. Our guidance, experiences and wealth of knowledge is an amazing endless resource that children and young adults should do well to tap into.
                                                                © O. Okafor

My Diary Entry 1 - Something for the stomach


Dropped in on G this morning. Caught him brushing his teeth at the back of the shop.
Still wearing his trousers as low as possible.....ooh well!
Asked him why he was brushing his teeth in the shop....says he went out the night before with some friends. They all crashed at the hotel and he was coming to work straight from there.

What type of hotel doesn't give guests toothpaste and brush. If airlines give you mini toothpaste and tooth brush for a couple of hours flight, why doesn't a hotel do same especially when they expect their guests to sleep over.

'Oby am hungry' G said as I was about to leave the shop.
'Huh! I though you went out last night, did y'all not eat anything'
'Nna men! food was kasa there...we kept eating chinese until we feel asleep'
'You shouldn't be hungry then'
'I don't know men! Do you have any food'
'Food! me I want who will feed me. By the way, how y'all go out - you no invite me, especially when food is involved'
'Oby men! you don't won't understand. But Oby, how can someone eat all night and be hungry first thing in the morning'
'Could be because you were having so much fun, you thought you ate, when in actual fact - your eyes were doing all the eating hahaaaha! Gotta run.'
'Oby chere - wait'

Just then two customers come into the shop.

'Gotta go, I'll see you later'
'Oby wait now..ahaah!'
'You don't see this rain. Abeg tend to your customers and me I'll go look for where I'll baptise my stomach'

With that, I dashed out the shop and into the heavy rain.
                                                          © O. Okafor

Book - Online Dating Tips For Women

About the Author
Maurice D. Chuka lives in London with his beautiful wife and 2 adorable children.
He specializes in the dating, fitness and e-commerce genres. He currently has 4 books published which can be download on your kindle device.  He also runs a dating blog and 2 e-commerce stores.  One of his favourite quotes is 'If You THINK You Can, then You Can'. Feel free to get in touch with him after reading one of his books.

Book Description

Maurice D. Chuka

     Format: Kindle Edition (£0.77)        
     File Size: 137 KB
     Print Length: 54 pages                
     Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1477675833
     Publisher: Pen-n-a-Pad Publishing
     Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Buy book at:

This online dating guide will reveal the secrets to a successful online dating experience and help you find and attract the right man.  It will help you discover:

* The number one thing that will greatly increase your chances of attracting your Mr. Right. It's so simple that many women miss it or disregard it.
* Advantages to online dating that make it accessible and fun regardless of your schedule, personality and status.
* The risks associated with online dating and how to avoid them. You won't hear about this on one of those glossy online dating TV ads.
* How to make your online dating profile sizzle.
* 31 safety precautions that will help you filter the good guys from the parasites.
* And much more.

No stone is left unturned as the good, bad and ugly side of online dating is exposed here. Stories, advice and tips are shared in this book that will equip you with the necessary information you need to increase your success with online dating and help you find the right man.
Grab your copy today!


By: Martin Asine
Rating: 5 stars
Common sense Advice for a New Medium
In ONLINE DATING TIPS FOR WOMEN, Maurice Chuka sets out a series of rules, advice tidbits, and self-searching for women who wish to meet men online. One can always point to horror stories of crazy men met and avoided online as well as to the much less publicized tales of satisfying and fruitful relationships. There is no way to guarantee that online dating will result in a woman's achieving her social and dating goals. What Mr. Chuka has done is to set reasonable parameters by which women may meet men. The advice, by the way, that he provides can just as well be applied to men who may fear meeting predatory women. What I like about his approach is that most of what a woman needs to know about online dating is succintly summarized in a few pages. True, none of his advice is novel or revelatory, but in the rush to go online, many women might indeed forget that not all men are honest or scam-free. Chuka's book provides a number or timely reminders about the need for a woman to pay more attention to her own goals and aspirations before she sets up a profile for all the world to see. Chuka did not feel it necessary to favour one dating website over another so perhaps in a future edition, he might want to include a chapter that enables women to distinguish the better dating sites from those of a lesser level. I recommend Chuka as a source to getting back in the dating pool.

By:  Grady Harp
Rating: 5 stars
This book is dedicated to every woman who has kissed one frog too many. One day your Prince will come. Don't settle for less.
This is the dedicatory page of Maurice D. Chuka's newest book - and if you have kept up with hs other ones (101 Good Questions to Ask on a Date, Fun Date Ideas) than you know that not only is this a light hearted fast read but that it also contains some very sound advice for those who participate in Online Dating - yes, even for men who are wondering what it is that women are seeking!
Chuka grants that many people have reservations about this mode n getting to know potential partners, but he is quick to state that online dating CAN be a viable method of ferreting out that perfect person. As a matter of fact our author RUNS an online dating and relationship blog so he is probably as expert a judge in what he has to discuss as anyone.
Though the book is created for women it can easily be transposed to men. Chuka poses the questions `Are you looking for friendships, Are you looking to go out on dates? Is your intention to find a life partner? Are you shy and like the idea of taking things slow? He then launches into a keen discussion of the benefits of Online Dating, the Disadvantages of Online Dating (scam artists, rejection, people who lie, money investment without guaranteed returns, etc.
What then follows is the helpful instruction on how to make your online profile as attractive and serviceable as possible (a VERY solid portion of this valuable publication) and then once a connection is made, what to =do next and the ups and downs of that first physical meeting. And probably most important, the author lists all the risks and dangers of online dating and what safety rules to follow. This is a solid little brief but smart guide to the treachery (and fun) of online dating. It is a very good read! Grady Harp, June 12

By:  Dr. Joseph S. Maresca
Rating: 5 stars
A Good Primer For Online Dating
Online Dating Tips for Women: Helping You Find Mr. Right by Maurice D. Choka is an excellent primer which shares the advantages and pitfalls of online dating relationships. To start, Chuka advises women to decide on the reason for joining the online dating service. The reason could be to seek friendships, dates or a life partner to mention just a few.
The advantages of joining an online dating service, according to the author, involve overcoming shyness, putting a profile out there 24/7 and seizing an opportunity to make great friendships. With an online dating service, the power to not respond is strictly in your hands. The disadvantages include scam artists who may demand money, as well as a bad match.
Chuka provides simple rules of the road for first time users of an online dating service.  Your profile is important, as well as presenting a smiling face on the internet. Be creative,
have features which stand out, dress well and be honest. Pictures of you should project energy and a positive outlook.
Chuka simulates good first date experiences. He advises a walk in the park, picnic or local cafe. Conversation should center on what is most valued in a relationship and common interests. Finally, the author advises not to leave together until you have had the opportunity to reflect on the experience more completely. Online daters should maintain separate email accounts devoted exclusively to online dating. Appointments should be set to meet during daylight, according to the author.
Online Dating Tips for Women is an excellent primer for women who may not be familiar with the online dating scene. A strength of the presentation is that the author discusses both the advantages and pitfalls. This book would be extremely helpful for women who have just moved into a new neighbourhood or a different part of the country. The advice will help immensely in making important social adjustments. The book is a mere 45 pages and the contents are practical and easy to understand.