Thursday 9 June 2022

About a Girl by Lindsey Kelk


The brand new summer bestseller from the immensely popular Lindsey Kelk

About the Author
Lindsey Kelk was a children’s book editor and is now a magazine columnist and author of I Heart New York, I Heart Hollywood, I Heart Paris, I Heart Vegas, I Heart London and The Single Girl’s To-Do List. When she isn't writing or watching more TV than is healthy, Lindsey likes to wear shoes, shop for shoes and judge the shoes of others. She loves living in New York but misses Sherbet Fountains, London, and drinking Gin & Elder-flower cocktails with her friends. Not necessarily in that order.

Book Description
Tess Brookes has always been a Girl with a Plan. But when the Plan goes belly up, she’s forced to reconsider.
After accidentally answering her flatmate Vanessa’s phone, she decides that since being Tess isn’t going so well, she might try being Vanessa. With nothing left to lose, she accepts Vanessa’s photography assignment to Hawaii – she used to be an amateur snapper, how hard can it be? Right?

But Tess is soon in big trouble. And the gorgeous journalist on the shoot with her, who is making it very clear he’d like to get into her pants, is an egotistical monster. Far from home and in someone else’s shoes, Tess must decide whether to fight on through, or ‘fess up and run…

I never meant for things to get so out of hand.
I’d lost my job. I’d lost the love of my life. My mum
wasn’t talking to me. My best friend was epically pissed
off. My flatmate probably had a hit out on me by now, and
in twenty-four hours I would likely be homeless.
But, you know, swings and roundabouts.
Considering how incredibly cocked up my life was, I felt
surprisingly chipper. Happy even. Stretching out as far as I
could, I curled the tips of my fingers around the
headboard and scrunched my toes up in the crisp white
cotton sheets that had found their way to the foot of the
bed. Everything was still, everything was calm, and I was
smiling. Somewhere across the room, I heard a phone
beep. Instead of jumping up to see who needed what and
just how quickly I could get it for them, I concentrated on
the sound of the shower running in the bathroom and
pressed my lips together to refresh the tingling sensation
before it faded away. The stubble burn that tickled my
cheeks was altogether more stubborn. I was so happy.
My best friend had been wrong. Everything was going to
be OK. Probably. Not that there hadn’t been some sketchy
moments over the past week. Not that I hadn’t considered
having myself committed. More than once. But now it was
almost over. I’d survived. This afternoon I would get on a
plane back home. I would call everyone who needed
calling, and instead of behaving like a jabbering shell of a
human, I would be cool, calm and collected and make
things right. If I could get through this past week, I could
get through anything.
Seven days ago, if anyone had even given me a hint of
what was ahead, I would have crawled underneath my
desk and refused to come out. But as I had learned from
every television show I had ever watched and every book I
had thought about reading, you never knew how strong
you were until you had to find out. I was definitely
stronger than anyone had reckoned. Either that or I was
clinically insane. It was a fine line.

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